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trotting out(My Experience Trotting Out A Tale of Horseback Riding)

jk 2023-06-06 10:28:50 548

摘要:My Experience Trotting Out: A Tale of Horseback Riding When I was younger, I was obsessed with horses. I dreamed of galloping through fields and jumping over ob

My Experience Trotting Out: A Tale of Horseback Riding

When I was younger, I was obsessed with horses. I dreamed of galloping through fields and jumping over obstacles like a professional equestrian. Unfortunately, my family could never afford to send me to horse riding lessons. However, when I reached my twenties, I decided to take matters into my own hands and signed up for trotting out classes. Here’s how it went down:

First Steps

My first day of class was nerve-wracking. The instructor paired me with a gentle, older horse named Lucky. I was instructed on how to properly pet and groom him. Then, I learned how to put on a saddle and bridle, which was much more complicated than I imagined!

After Lucky was saddled, it was time to mount. I remember feeling intimidated at the sight of his tall frame, but with the proper steps, I gracefully climbed on. Then, I was taught how to take control of the reins to control the horse’s speed and direction. All of these steps were much more challenging than I expected, but I was determined to keep going.

On the Trail

After a few weeks, my trotting instructor felt comfortable taking our class out onto the trail. The feeling of being in the great outdoors, with wind whipping through my hair and the sound of hooves hitting the dirt, was exhilarating. There was something about being on top of a powerful animal that made me feel invincible.

Of course, we had to be safe while on the trail, so we had to follow some rules. We were only allowed to trot or walk, no galloping! When we encountered a narrow path or steep incline, we had to lead our horses, taking care not to trip or slip. These added challenges just made me appreciate trotting out even more.

Jumping Lesson

One of the most exciting moments of my trotting experience was when our instructor finally let us try jumping. At first, we started by just trotting over small jumps, and I was shocked at how much skill it took to get the timing and positioning right. But after a few tries, I felt like a real horseback rider.

Then, we were allowed to try jumping at a faster pace. We started small, but soon worked our way up to larger jumps. I felt the wind rushing past my face as my horse leapt into the air. The feeling of clearing a jump was one of the most thrilling experiences of my life.

Even now, years later, I still love thinking back on my trotting out days. It was an experience that taught me to never give up on my dreams, even if they take a while to achieve.








关于党的诗歌朗诵长篇6-7分钟多人(党徽闪耀 党诗嘹亮)


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