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干燥剂英文怎么说(What is a Desiccant and How Does it Work)

jk 2023-06-02 11:35:35 118

摘要:What is a Desiccant and How Does it Work? Introduction: Desiccants are materials used to absorb moisture and maintain a dry environment. They are widely used in

What is a Desiccant and How Does it Work?


Desiccants are materials used to absorb moisture and maintain a dry environment. They are widely used in industrial and consumer applications to prevent the harmful effects of moisture, such as corrosion and mold growth. In this article, we will discuss what desiccants are, how they work, and the different types available in the market.

What are Desiccants?

Desiccants are substances that absorb and hold water vapor in their pores and surface area. They serve to decrease the water content of a given substance or environment. Some common desiccants include silica gel, activated alumina, molecular sieves, and calcium chloride. Each desiccant has a specific moisture absorption capacity, which is measured in terms of relative humidity (RH). For example, silica gel can absorb up to 40% of its weight in water at 100% RH.

How do Desiccants Work?

Desiccants work by creating a low-humidity environment around them. When placed in a moist environment, the desiccant absorbs moisture through adsorption or absorption. Adsorption occurs when moisture vapors adhere to the surface of the desiccant, whereas absorption occurs when moisture penetrates the pores of the desiccant. As the desiccant absorbs moisture, the RH of the surrounding air drops, creating a drier environment. This process continues until the desiccant reaches its maximum moisture capacity.

Types of Desiccants:

There are various types of desiccants available in the market, each with its unique properties and applications. Let's take a look at some of the common desiccants. 1. Silica Gel Silica gel is a popular desiccant due to its high moisture absorption capacity and low cost. It is made of small, transparent, and spherical beads that have a high surface area, allowing it to adsorb moisture efficiently. 2. Activated Alumina Activated alumina is a highly porous material made from aluminum oxide. It has a high surface area and can be used at high temperatures. It is commonly used in the drying of natural gas and air compression systems. 3. Molecular Sieves Molecular sieves are synthetic materials widely used in industrial applications. They have a uniform pore structure that allows them to selectively absorb water and other impurities. Molecular sieves are commonly used in the drying of solvents and gases. 4. Calcium Chloride Calcium chloride is a hygroscopic salt that can absorb moisture from the air. It is commonly used for dehumidification in residential and commercial buildings.


In conclusion, desiccants play a vital role in maintaining a dry environment in various applications. Their ability to prevent moisture-related damages such as corrosion and mold growth makes them indispensable in industrial and consumer settings. With various desiccant options available in the market, choosing the right desiccant for your application is crucial.








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