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英语音素分类表48个的格式(Title A Comprehensive Guide to English Phoneme Classification)

jk 2023-05-23 12:11:52 784

摘要:Title: A Comprehensive Guide to English Phoneme Classification Are you struggling with understanding the complexities of phonetics and the English language? Loo

Title: A Comprehensive Guide to English Phoneme Classification Are you struggling with understanding the complexities of phonetics and the English language? Look no further! In this article, we will break down the 48 English phonemes and their corresponding classification. Vowels and Diphthongs The first category of English phonemes is vowels and diphthongs. Vowels are produced with an open mouth and are classified based on their placement in the mouth and the position of the tongue. Diphthongs are two adjacent vowels that are pronounced together as one sound. Here are the 20 English phonemes in this category: 1. /i/ as in \"bee\" 2. /ɪ/ as in \"hit\" 3. /e/ as in \"bet\" 4. /ɛ/ as in \"met\" 5. /æ/ as in \"cat\" 6. /ʌ/ as in \"run\" 7. /ɑ/ as in \"car\" 8. /ɔ/ as in \"dog\" 9. /o/ as in \"boat\" 10. /ʊ/ as in \"put\" 11. /u/ as in \"moon\" 12. /ə/ as in \"about\" 13. /ɪə/ as in \"ear\" 14. /eə/ as in \"air\" 15. /ʊə/ as in \"tour\" 16. /ɔɪ/ as in \"boy\" 17. /aɪ/ as in \"eye\" 18. /aʊ/ as in \"out\" 19. /eɪ/ as in \"day\" 20. /oʊ/ as in \"go\" Consonants The second category of English phonemes is consonants. Consonants are produced with the mouth closed or partially closed, and are classified based on where and how they are produced by the tongue, lips, and teeth. Here are the 28 English phonemes in this category: 1. /p/ as in \"pet\" 2. /b/ as in \"boat\" 3. /t/ as in \"tap\" 4. /d/ as in \"day\" 5. /k/ as in \"cat\" 6. /g/ as in \"go\" 7. /f/ as in \"fit\" 8. /v/ as in \"vote\" 9. /θ/ as in \"think\" 10. /ð/ as in \"this\" 11. /s/ as in \"sit\" 12. /z/ as in \"zip\" 13. /ʃ/ as in \"shoe\" 14. /ʒ/ as in \"vision\" 15. /h/ as in \"hat\" 16. /m/ as in \"man\" 17. /n/ as in \"no\" 18. /ŋ/ as in \"sing\" 19. /l/ as in \"let\" 20. /r/ as in \"red\" 21. /j/ as in \"yes\" 22. /w/ as in \"wait\" 23. /ʔ/ as in \"uh-oh\" 24. /tʃ/ as in \"church\" 25. /dʒ/ as in \"judge\" 26. /kw/ as in \"quick\" 27. /gw/ as in \"goose\" 28. /hw/ as in \"why\" Final Thoughts Understanding phonemes and their classifications is crucial for mastering the English language. By breaking down the 48 English phonemes into two categories, vowels and diphthongs, and consonants, we hope to have provided a comprehensive guide for our readers. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep practicing your pronunciation and mastering these phonemes.






一切为了她英文(All for Her)




英语音素分类表48个的格式(Title A Comprehensive Guide to English Phoneme Classification)相关常识

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