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规格型号英文缩写REF(Understand the REF Standards and Specifications)

胸有大痣 2023-12-25 08:10:06 628

摘要:Understand the REF Standards and Specifications Introduction The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is the method used by higher education institutions (HEIs)

Understand the REF Standards and Specifications


The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is the method used by higher education institutions (HEIs) in the United Kingdom to assess the quality of research. It was first introduced in 2014 and the next REF is planned for 2021. The results of the REF have a significant impact on university funding and reputation, influencing government funding allocation and providing an indication of research quality for prospective students and staff. It is, therefore, important to have a clear understanding of the REF standards and specifications.

REF Standards

The REF standards are divided into three main areas: outputs, impact, and environment.


The output standard is concerned with assessing the quality of research publications, such as books, journal articles, and conference papers. This is measured based on the originality, significance, and rigor of the research, as well as the clarity of communication. The outputs are assessed independently by a panel of experts in the relevant field.


The impact standard is focused on the real-world impact of the research produced by HEIs. This can include economic, social, cultural, or policy impact, among others. The impact must be demonstrated through evidence of measurable effects on society or the economy. Impact case studies are assessed by a separate panel of experts in innovation and impact.


The environment standard concerns the research environment provided by the HEI. This takes into account the infrastructure, resources, and support provided to researchers, as well as the institutions' strategies and achievements in supporting research. This is assessed by an expert panel who review the institutional submissions.

REF Specifications

The specifications for the REF are set out in a guidance document which all HEIs must adhere to. This document outlines the rules and regulations for submission, including the types of outputs that can be submitted and the number required, the structure of impact case studies, and the criteria for selecting staff for submission.


For the outputs standard, each researcher is allowed to submit a maximum of four outputs. This can include journal articles, books, book chapters, and conference proceedings. The outputs must have been published between a specified period and meet certain criteria related to peer review and dissemination. The submission format must meet strict formatting guidelines.


For the impact standard, only one impact case study can be submitted for each research unit. The case study must be tied to a specific research output and demonstrate a direct effect on society, the economy, or policy. The impact must be evidenced through a range of sources and must be significant and far-reaching.


The environment standard requires institutions to submit a statement providing an overview of their research environment, research strategies, and achievements in supporting research. This statement must be between 2,000 and 6,000 words and must cover a range of topics, including the infrastructure and resources provided, the support given to researchers, the training and development opportunities offered, and the impact of the institution's research.


The REF is a key mechanism by which the research quality of HEIs in the UK is assessed, with a significant impact on institutions' funding and reputation. It is, therefore, essential that HEIs adhere to the REF standards and specifications to ensure their research is accurately assessed. By understanding the criteria for outputs, impact, and environment, and following the submission guidelines, institutions can ensure they are well-placed for a positive outcome in the next REF.







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