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高三英语听力成绩查询时间(Checking High School English Listening Test Results)

胸有大痣 2023-09-15 09:48:31 556

摘要:Checking High School English Listening Test Results Introduction: If you have recently taken a High School English Listening Test, you might wonder when and how

Checking High School English Listening Test Results


If you have recently taken a High School English Listening Test, you might wonder when and how to check your scores. This article will provide you with essential information on how to access your test results.

When Can You Check Your Scores:

The timing of the release of scores varies based on the educational institution and the exam date. Generally, it takes a few weeks to months to get test results. You should check your test center's website for official test result dates. If you can't access the website, you may contact the examining authority to inquire about the score release date. Some test centers also send an email notification when scores are available. If you receive an email, follow the instructions provided in the email to access your scores. Note that scores are released online only and can't be obtained via postal mail or telephone.

How to Check Your Scores:

To check your scores, you will need your test registration number and the password that you created during registration. You will then need to visit the official website of the examining authority, where you registered and took the test. Log in to your account using your registration number and password. Once you are logged in, you will be able to see your test scores. It's essential to double-check the scores and ensure that there is no typo or error. If you find an error, contact the examining authority immediately to correct it.


If you have taken a High School English Listening Test, it's crucial to check your scores as soon as they are released. Knowing your grades will help you plan your next step. Keep in mind that scores may take some time to be published, and you will need to log in to your account to get them. If you experience any difficulty, you can contact the examining authority. Congratulations for taking the test, and best of luck in your future academic endeavors.







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