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jk 2023-06-09 11:21:28 960

摘要:合同特殊条款的中英对照 区分主次:Differentiating Importance 合同的各个条款在保障双方权益的同时,往往也存在重要和次要之分。在合同执行过程中,如果出现了违约、争议等问题


区分主次:Differentiating Importance

合同的各个条款在保障双方权益的同时,往往也存在重要和次要之分。在合同执行过程中,如果出现了违约、争议等问题,需要根据条款的重要程度来作出应对。因此,在合同中加入区分主次的特殊条款就尤为重要。 The clauses of a contract, while aimed at preserving the rights of both parties, may vary in importance. When breaches or disputes occur in the process of contract execution, it is necessary to respond in accordance with the importance of the clauses. Therefore, adding differentiating importance special clauses in the contract is particularly important.

附条件条款:Conditional Clause

有些合同条款的履行需要满足特定条件才能生效,如保密协议中的信息泄露条件、商业合作中的某项指标达成条件等。这时,合同中便应有附条件条款。在发生类似情况时,根据条款约束双方达成共识,既能提高合同的可操作性和可信度,还能避免不必要的纠纷。 The fulfillment of some contract clauses requires the satisfaction of specific conditions, such as the condition of information leakage in a confidentiality agreement, or the condition of achieving certain standards in a business collaboration. In this case, conditional clauses should be included in the contract. By binding both sides with the terms of the contract, consensus can be reached on similar situations, which not only increases the operability and trustworthiness of the contract, but also avoids unnecessary disputes.

违约赔偿:Compensation for Breach

当一方违反合同条款时,另一方要如何进行补偿?这是每一个合同中必不可少的内容。然而,赔偿金额、方式、责任主体等具体内容却各有不同。在此情况下,应该在合同中加入违约赔偿的特殊条款,明确双方的权利和义务,从而避免一方损失严重而另一方逃责的情况的发生。 When one party breaches the contract, how should the other party compensate for it? This is an essential part of every contract. However, the specific compensation amount, method, and liable party may differ. Therefore, a special clause on compensation for breach should be added to the contract to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, thus avoiding one party suffering significant losses while the other party avoids liability. 便是合同特殊条款的三个小类别,它们分别强调了在合同执行过程中需要重视的重要内容:条款的重要性、条件限制、违约责任。当然,这只是其中的一部分,不同的行业、不同的合作关系下,特殊条款也各有不同。关键是,通过有效的特殊条款约束双方,保障双方权益,才能使合同更加具有实际价值和法律效益。 These three types of special clauses emphasize important content that needs attention during the contract execution process: the importance of clauses, conditional limitations, and breach responsibilities. Of course, this is just one part of it, as special clauses vary in different industries and cooperation relationships. The key is to bind both parties through effective special clauses to protect their rights, and to ensure that contracts have practical value and legal effects.











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