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在学校和在家的规则英文作文(Rules at School and at Home Learning to Follow Guidelines)

jk 2023-05-25 11:22:23 513

摘要:Rules at School and at Home: Learning to Follow Guidelines Following Rules at School: Rules at school are created for several reasons. They set clear boundaries

Rules at School and at Home: Learning to Follow Guidelines

Following Rules at School:

Rules at school are created for several reasons. They set clear boundaries for what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior, ensure that everyone’s safety is prioritized, and make sure that learning and teaching can happen with minimal disruptions. Students must comply with the policies and guidelines that are established by their school, teachers, and administration. The following are some of the typical rules students need to follow in school:

  • Arrive at school on time
  • Listen and follow instructions from teachers and staff
  • Respect peers, teachers, and any visitors inside the school
  • Use appropriate language and behavior
  • Keep the school environment clean and tidy
  • Avoid cheating or plagiarism

Rules at Home:

Just like at school, rules at home help to keep everyone safe and ensure that family members can live together harmoniously. Following rules at home show respect and care for each other. Here are some common rules that kids need to abide by at home:

  • Be on time for meals and bedtime
  • Listen and follow instructions from parents or guardians
  • Respect siblings and any visitors in the home
  • Say “please” and “thank you”
  • Keep the home clean and tidy
  • Complete assigned chores dutifully

Why is it important to follow rules?

Following the rules at school and at home is crucial to a child’s development. Consistently failing to comply with guidelines can lead to negative consequences, such as withholding of privileges, detention, or even suspension. Not following rules at school can negatively impact academic performance and eventually lead to expulsion. Similarly, not abiding by rules at home can ruin relationships and family dynamics. Learning to follow rules promotes discipline, self-control, and respect for authority, traits that are necessary for success in life.






一切为了她英文(All for Her)




在学校和在家的规则英文作文(Rules at School and at Home Learning to Follow Guidelines)相关常识

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