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一年级英语小故事(Tom's First Day at School)

胸有大痣 2024-07-02 09:59:33 666

摘要:Tom's First Day at School Getting Ready for School Tom was a six-year-old boy who was about to start his first day of school. He had been waiting for this day f

Tom's First Day at School

Getting Ready for School

Tom was a six-year-old boy who was about to start his first day of school. He had been waiting for this day for a long time. On the night before his first day, he couldn't sleep. He was too excited and nervous at the same time. Tom's parents helped him get ready for school. They packed his backpack with all the necessary supplies, such as notebooks, pencils, and erasers. They also prepared his lunchbox with a yummy sandwich, an apple, and a juice box. Finally, they set the alarm clock for an early wake-up call.

Meeting New Friends

The next morning, Tom woke up to the sound of the alarm clock. He quickly got dressed and had a nice breakfast with his family. Then, it was time for Tom's parents to walk him to school. As they entered the school gate, Tom felt a mix of excitement and anxiety. The schoolyard was filled with kids of different ages. Tom looked around and saw many unfamiliar faces. He felt a bit shy and unsure of what to do. Suddenly, a friendly-looking girl walked up to him and introduced herself as Lily. She was also starting first grade, just like Tom. Lily offered to show Tom around and introduced him to some of her friends. Slowly, Tom started to feel more at ease.

A Fun-filled Day of Learning

In the classroom, Tom's teacher, Miss Emily, greeted him with a warm smile. She gave him a name tag and helped him find a desk to sit at. Throughout the day, Miss Emily introduced various fun activities to help the kids get to know each other and learn new things. They sang songs, played games, and listened to interesting stories. Tom had a lot of fun participating in all these activities. He made more new friends and began to feel a sense of belonging in this new school environment. Although Tom was still a little nervous, he knew that he would enjoy coming to school every day.

As the school day came to an end, Tom's parents came to pick him up. Tom excitedly told them about his day and how he had made new friends. He couldn't wait to go back to school the next day. Tom's first day at school had been a success, and he knew that he was going to have a great time in first grade.







王音棋怀孕大肚照 王音棋的丈夫_生活百科(王音棋:成为妈妈的喜悦)



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