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四年级英语听力练习(Listening Practice for Fourth Graders)

胸有大痣 2023-10-11 10:57:47 428

摘要:Listening Practice for Fourth Graders Introduction: In order for children to improve their English listening skills, regular practice is recommended. This artic

Listening Practice for Fourth Graders


In order for children to improve their English listening skills, regular practice is recommended. This article will provide some tips and exercises to help fourth-grade students enhance their listening abilities.

1. Start with simple instructions:

When giving instructions, the teacher should start with simple and clear sentences. For example, \"Open your textbook to page 5\" or \"Take out your pencils and erasers.\" The students can then practice listening and following the directions. This will help them understand and follow more complex instructions in the future.

2. Use songs and chants:

Songs and chants are great tools to help children improve their listening skills. They are fun and catchy, and can help students remember new words and phrases. Teachers can choose songs or chants that are suitable for their students' level and create activities to go along with them.

3. Dictation exercises:

Dictation exercises are a great way to test and improve students' listening skills. The teacher can dictate a short sentence or a few words, and the students can write them down. This activity can be done individually or in pairs. The teacher can also provide feedback and correct any mistakes.


Regular listening practice can significantly improve children's English skills. By starting with simple instructions, using songs and chants, and doing dictation exercises, fourth-grade students can enhance their listening abilities. It is important for teachers to provide varied and engaging activities to ensure that children enjoy the practice and stay motivated.







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