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逍遥侯的武功为啥要砍手(The Reason Why the Martial Arts of the Laughing Prince Requires Cutting off

胸有大痣 2023-09-10 11:26:30 76

摘要:The Reason Why the Martial Arts of the Laughing Prince Requires Cutting off the Hand In martial arts novels, we often come across eccentric and inexplicable te

The Reason Why the Martial Arts of the Laughing Prince Requires Cutting off the Hand

In martial arts novels, we often come across eccentric and inexplicable techniques. One such technique that has puzzled many readers is the martial arts of the Laughing Prince, also known as the Happy-go-lucky Dukes, that demands the cutting off of the hand. Why would someone have to cut off their hand to master this skill? In this article, we will try to unravel this mystery and explore the story behind it.

The Legend of the Laughing Prince

The Laughing Prince, also known as the Xianbei Prince, was a legendary figure from ancient China who lived during the Northern Wei Dynasty. He was known for his unconventional personality, which often defied the norms and traditions of his time. The prince was a master of martial arts, and his skills in combat were legendary. He was also a gifted strategist, and his cleverness and wit made him a formidable opponent for his enemies.

The Secret of the Martial Arts

The Laughing Prince's martial arts technique was known as the \"Happy-go-lucky Dukes,\" which required the practitioner to cut off their hand in order to master it. The reason behind this strange requirement is shrouded in mystery and speculation. Some people believe that the technique was so powerful and dangerous that it had to be kept secret at all costs. Cutting off the hand was seen as a necessary sacrifice to ensure that the technique did not fall into the wrong hands. Others believe that the technique was designed to test the dedication and commitment of the practitioner. By sacrificing their hand, the practitioner demonstrated their willingness to go to any lengths to master the martial arts of the Laughing Prince.

The Philosophy of the Laughing Prince

The Laughing Prince's philosophy of life was based on the principle of detachment. He believed that one should not be attached to anything, whether it be possessions, people, or even one's own body. By letting go of attachment, one could achieve a state of inner peace and tranquility. Cutting off the hand was a symbolic act of detachment, a way of letting go of attachment to the physical body. It was a way of demonstrating the ultimate expression of the Laughing Prince's philosophy of detachment.

In conclusion, the martial arts of the Laughing Prince is a unique and enigmatic technique that demands the cutting off of the hand. The reason behind this requirement has been subject to speculation and interpretation throughout the years. Some believe it is to keep the technique secret, while others maintain that it is a test of commitment and dedication. In any case, the Laughing Prince's philosophy of detachment provides the ultimate explanation for this strange demand. By letting go of attachment to the physical body, one can achieve a state of inner peace and tranquility that is at the heart of the Laughing Prince's martial arts technique.







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逍遥侯的武功为啥要砍手(The Reason Why the Martial Arts of the Laughing Prince Requires Cutting off相关常识

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