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英文童话剧剧本丑小鸭(The Unloved Duckling)

胸有大痣 2023-09-06 11:37:34 901

摘要:The Unloved Duckling Act 1: The Ugly Duckling Once upon a time, on a beautiful farm, a mother duck was patiently waiting for her eggs to hatch. One by one, the

The Unloved Duckling

Act 1: The Ugly Duckling

Once upon a time, on a beautiful farm, a mother duck was patiently waiting for her eggs to hatch. One by one, the eggs broke open, revealing cute little ducklings. But one egg was bigger than all the others, and it took a little longer to hatch. When it finally did, a large and grayish bird came out, and the mother duck was surprised and disappointed. She looked at the strange-looking duckling and thought to herself, \"How could this be my child? It's so different from the others.\" All the other ducks quacked and laughed at the odd-looking duckling, and from that day on, he was called the \"Ugly Duckling.\"

Act 2: The Journey

The Ugly Duckling was sad and lonely, feeling like he didn't belong anywhere. His mother didn't love him, and his siblings bullied him. One day, he decided to leave the farm and search for a place where he would be accepted for who he was. So he started his journey, encountering many creatures along the way - a cat, a hen, a farm dog, and even a fox. But he didn't fit in with any of them. The cat and the hen made fun of him, the dog chased him, and the fox tried to eat him. The Ugly Duckling was sad and hopeless, feeling like he would always be an outcast.

Act 3: The Transformation

After many days of wandering, the Ugly Duckling found a pond and decided to take a swim. As he gazed at his reflection in the water, he suddenly noticed that he wasn't an ugly duckling anymore. He had grown into a beautiful swan, with a graceful neck, a fluffed out chest, and white feathers. He couldn't believe his eyes! At that moment, a group of swans approached him and welcomed him into their family. They told him that he was one of them, and they had been looking for him for a long time. The Ugly Duckling was overjoyed, and he felt like he had finally found his true home. The once lonely and unloved duckling had become a beautiful and beloved swan. And so, the Ugly Duckling had a happy ending, finding his place in life and being accepted for who he was. The moral of the story is that we should never judge others by their appearance, as beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.







王音棋怀孕大肚照 王音棋的丈夫_生活百科(王音棋:成为妈妈的喜悦)



英文童话剧剧本丑小鸭(The Unloved Duckling)相关常识

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