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羚羊的英文单词怎么写(How to Spell the Word 'Gazelle')

胸有大痣 2023-09-05 13:11:32 344

摘要:How to Spell the Word 'Gazelle' Introduction: There are many species of gazelles, including the Thomson's gazelle, the Grant's gazelle, and the Arabian gazelle.

How to Spell the Word 'Gazelle'


There are many species of gazelles, including the Thomson's gazelle, the Grant's gazelle, and the Arabian gazelle. However, regardless of the species, the word 'gazelle' is spelled the same way in English. In this article, we will explore the etymology of the word 'gazelle' and provide a guide on how to spell it correctly.


The word 'gazelle' is derived from the Arabic word 'ghazal' meaning 'wild goat'. The French word 'gazelle' was adopted into English in the early 17th century to refer to the slender, graceful antelopes. Today, gazelles are known for their speed, agility, and beauty in the animal kingdom.

How to spell 'gazelle':

The word 'gazelle' has two 'l's and two 'e's. The first 'e' is pronounced as a short 'e' sound (as in 'pet') while the second 'e' is pronounced as a long 'e' sound (as in 'be'). The two 'l's are pronounced with a 'll' sound (as in 'bell'). Thus, the correct spelling of the word 'gazelle' is G-A-Z-E-L-L-E.


In conclusion, the word 'gazelle' is spelled the same way regardless of the species of gazelle being referred to. Its etymology can be traced back to the Arabic word 'ghazal' meaning 'wild goat'. When spelling the word, remember to prioritize the two 'l's and two 'e's, and be mindful of their pronunciation. With these tips, you'll be able to spell 'gazelle' accurately every time.







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羚羊的英文单词怎么写(How to Spell the Word 'Gazelle')相关常识

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