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英语四级考试试卷(English CET-4 Exam Paper)

jk 2023-08-01 12:45:40 718

摘要:English CET-4 Exam Paper Section A: Reading Comprehension Part I. Skimming and Scanning In this part, you will have 10 minutes to skim the passage and 5 minutes

English CET-4 Exam Paper

Section A: Reading Comprehension

Part I. Skimming and Scanning

In this part, you will have 10 minutes to skim the passage and 5 minutes to answer the questions. Please choose the best answer from the given options.

1. Why is the Great Wall of China considered one of the wonders of the world?

a) For its historical significance and architectural marvel.

b) For its breathtaking views and hiking trails.

c) For its interesting legends and mysterious stories.

d) For its unbeatable length and height.

2. What is the main idea of the passage?

a) The construction history of the Great Wall.

b) The popularity of the Great Wall among tourists.

c) The myths and legends about the Great Wall.

d) The impact of the Great Wall on Chinese culture.

Part II. Cloze Test

In this part, there are 15 blanks in the passage. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Please choose the correct answer that best fits the context.

Section B: Listening Comprehension

Part III. Short Conversations

In this part, you will hear five short conversations between two speakers. After each conversation, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Please choose the best answer from the options.

3. What does the man think of the movie they watched last night?

a) He found it boring and predictable.

b) He loved the thrilling plot and unexpected twists.

c) He thought it was well-acted but lacked originality.

d) He found the special effects and visuals impressive.

4. What does the woman imply about her job?

a) She's tired of her job and wants to quit.

b) She's happy with her job and enjoys the challenges.

c) She's overwhelmed with her job and needs a break.

d) She's uncertain about her job and considering a career change.

Part IV. Passages

In this part, you will hear two passages. After each passage, you will be given 5 minutes to answer the questions. Please choose the best answer from the options.

5. What is the passage mainly about?

a) The importance of time management in daily life.

b) The consequences of procrastination on academic performance.

c) The benefits of setting goals and sticking to schedules.

d) The techniques to overcome laziness and improve productivity.

6. What is the speaker's opinion on multitasking?

a) It allows people to accomplish more tasks simultaneously.

b) It leads to decreased efficiency and increased stress levels.

c) It helps people to stay focused and improve their concentration.

d) It is an essential skill to succeed in the modern workplace.

Section C: Writing

Part V. Sentence Completion

In this part, you will complete four sentences with the given words or phrases. Write your answers on the answer sheet.

7. Students should_____to practice speaking English frequently.

8. The government has implemented strict measures to______pollution in the city.

9. The new manager has brought a______and refreshing atmosphere to the company.

10. To become successful, one must_____challenges and never give up.

Part VI. Essay Writing

In this part, you are required to write an essay of about 200 words based on the given topic. Your essay should have a clear structure and logical development of ideas.

Topic: The Impact of Social Media on Society

Overall, this exam paper covers various listening, reading, and writing skills. It provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate their comprehension abilities and English proficiency. Best of luck!







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