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jk 2023-07-28 11:10:25 475

摘要:Snackbar Introduction: The snackbar is a user interface element that provides feedback to users. It is a small notification that appears at the bottom of the s



The snackbar is a user interface element that provides feedback to users. It is a small notification that appears at the bottom of the screen and displays a brief message with an optional action. Snackbars are commonly used in web and mobile applications to inform users about the status of their actions, provide feedback, or display important information.

Functionality and Usage:

Snackbars are designed to be unobtrusive and easily dismissible, allowing users to focus on their tasks without being interrupted. They typically contain a concise and actionable message, such as a confirmation of a successful action, an error message, or a prompt for further action.

Design and Appearance:

Snackbars can be customized to match the branding and design language of the application. They usually have a rectangular shape with rounded corners and a subtle shadow to give a sense of elevation. The background color is often a shade of grey or a color that contrasts with the application's color scheme to make the message stand out.

The text in the snackbar is typically displayed in a simple and readable font. It can be aligned to the left, center, or right, depending on the user's language and reading direction. The color of the text should have sufficient contrast with the background color to ensure readability.

Interaction and Behavior:

A snackbar can be triggered by an event, such as a button click or a form submission. Once triggered, it slides up from the bottom of the screen and remains visible for a short period of time, usually a few seconds. The duration can vary depending on the importance of the message.

Users can dismiss the snackbar by tapping on it or by swiping it down. Some snackbars also provide an action button that allows users to perform a related action, such as undoing a previous action or navigating to a different page. The action button is typically displayed on the right side of the snackbar and has a clear label that describes the action.

Snackbars should be designed to avoid interfering with the user's interaction with the application. They should not cover important content or control elements, such as buttons or input fields. If a snackbar overlaps with a crucial part of the user interface, it may cause confusion or frustration.

Best Practices:

When using snackbars in an application, it is important to follow a few best practices to ensure a good user experience.

1. Limit the use of snackbars: Snackbars should be used sparingly and only for important messages that require user attention. Having too many snackbars popping up can cause user confusion and annoyance.

2. Keep the message concise: Snackbars should provide brief and clear messages that can be easily understood at a glance. Long and complex messages are not suitable for snackbars.

3. Provide actionable options if necessary: If the message requires user interaction, such as confirming or undoing an action, it can be helpful to include an action button in the snackbar. However, avoid cluttering the snackbar with too many options.

4. Customize the appearance: Customize the color, font, and other visual elements of the snackbar to match the overall design of the application. This helps create a consistent and cohesive user interface.

5. Consider accessibility: Ensure that the snackbar text has sufficient contrast with the background color to ensure readability for users with visual impairments. The snackbar should also be easily dismissible by users who rely on assistive technologies.


The snackbar is a useful user interface element that provides feedback and important information to users without interrupting their workflow. By following the best practices and guidelines discussed in this article, developers can create effective and user-friendly snackbars that enhance the overall user experience of their applications.







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