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幼儿园英语话剧剧本简单(Going on a Picnic An English Play for Kindergarten Kids)

胸有大痣 2024-06-03 09:18:41 155

摘要:Going on a Picnic: An English Play for Kindergarten Kids Act 1: Planning the Picnic Characters: Teacher, Lily, Jack, Rose, Tom Teacher: Good morning, kids! Toda

Going on a Picnic: An English Play for Kindergarten Kids

Act 1: Planning the Picnic

Characters: Teacher, Lily, Jack, Rose, Tom

Teacher: Good morning, kids! Today, we are going to plan a picnic. Does anyone know what a picnic is?

Lily: I know! A picnic is when we go outside and have lunch on a blanket.

Jack: And we can play games too!

Rose: I want to eat sandwiches and fruit!

Tom: Can we bring juice boxes too?

Teacher: That's right, a picnic is a fun outdoor activity where you can enjoy food and games with your friends. Now, let's decide on the location of our picnic. Where do you think we should go?

Lily: How about the park?

Jack: No, I want to go to the beach.

Rose: The zoo would be fun!

Tom: What about the playground?

Teacher: Those are all great suggestions. Let's take a vote. Raise your hand if you want to go to the park. (Kids raise their hands) Ok, that's two for the park. Now, raise your hand if you want to go to the beach. (Kids raise their hands) Two for the beach. And the zoo? (Kids raise their hands) Two for the zoo. And lastly, the playground. (Kids raise their hands) Two for the playground. Oh no, we have a tie. How should we decide?

Lily: Let's have a race and whoever wins gets to choose the location!

Teacher: That's a great idea, Lily! Let's have a race after lunch and the winner gets to choose where we go for our picnic.

Act 2: Getting Ready for the Picnic

Characters: Teacher, Lily, Jack, Rose, Tom

Teacher: Alright, kids! The race is over and Jack is the winner. He gets to choose where we have our picnic.

Jack: I choose the beach!

Lily: Yay! I love the beach!

Rose: Me too!

Tom: Can we go for a swim?

Teacher: The beach it is! Now, let's get ready for our picnic. What should we bring?

Lily: We need a blanket to sit on.

Jack: And sunscreen so we don't get sunburnt.

Rose: We should bring some beach toys too!

Tom: And towels for when we get wet.

Teacher: Very good! Now, let's pack our lunch. What do you want to eat?

Lily: I want a ham sandwich and some grapes.

Jack: Can I have a PB&J sandwich and a banana?

Rose: I want to eat a turkey sandwich and some orange slices.

Tom: I want a cheese sandwich and some apple slices.

Teacher: Perfect! We have everything we need for our picnic. Let's get going!

Act 3: Enjoying the Picnic

Characters: Teacher, Lily, Jack, Rose, Tom

(The kids spread out the blanket and start eating their lunch. After they are done, they play with the beach toys and go for a swim in the ocean.)

Lily: This is so much fun!

Jack: I know, right? I love the beach!

Rose: Look, I found a seashell!

Tom: Can we build a sandcastle?

Teacher: Of course! It's always fun to build sandcastles at the beach. And after we are done, we can pack up and head back to school.

Lily: I can't wait to tell my parents about our picnic!

Jack: Me too! This was the best day ever!

Rose: Thank you, teacher, for planning this for us.

Tom: Yeah, it was awesome!

Teacher: You're welcome, kids! I'm glad you had fun.

(The kids clean up and pack up their belongings. They wave goodbye to the beach and head back to school with smiles on their faces.)

The End







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幼儿园英语话剧剧本简单(Going on a Picnic An English Play for Kindergarten Kids)相关常识

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