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curry怎么读音发音英语(Curry The Proper Pronunciation in English)

jk 2023-05-18 10:37:10 510

摘要:Curry: The Proper Pronunciation in English Introduction Curry has become one of the most popular dishes worldwide, enjoyed by millions of people from various cu

Curry: The Proper Pronunciation in English


Curry has become one of the most popular dishes worldwide, enjoyed by millions of people from various cultural backgrounds. However, besides being a delicious meal, curry is also a word that has different pronunciation variations depending on the region or country. This article aims to explore the different ways of pronouncing curry and suggest the proper way to do it for English speakers.

The Origin of Curry

The history of curry goes back to more than 4,000 years ago, originating in the Indian subcontinent. It is a blend of several spices such as cumin, turmeric, coriander, cinnamon, and cloves, mixed with various ingredients like meat, vegetables, and rice. Curries can vary in taste, color, and texture, making it a versatile dish suitable for every palate. However, the pronunciation of curry depends on the country and language spoken:

Pronunciation in India

The word curry originates from the Tamil word 'kari,' which means a sauce that usually contains vegetables or meat. In India, the pronunciation of curry varies from region to region. In the north, it is pronounced as 'k-uh-ree' with a soft 'k' sound, while in the south, it is pronounced as 'ka-ri' with a hard 'k' sound.

Pronunciation in the UK

In the UK, the pronunciation of curry is different from the Indian subcontinent. It is pronounced as 'kuh-ree' with a hard 'k' sound. This pronunciation has been influenced by the British colonial period in India, where the pronunciation of the word from the locals was adapted by the British colonial officers.

Pronunciation in the US

The pronunciation of curry in the US is similar to that of the UK. It is pronounced as 'kuh-ree' with a hard 'k' sound. However, due to the vast cultural diversity in the US, the pronunciation of curry can also vary depending on the speaker's cultural background.

The Proper Pronunciation of Curry in English

As a word that has different pronunciation variations, it may be challenging to know the proper way to pronounce curry. However, when it comes to English, the correct way to pronounce it is 'kuh-ree' with a hard 'k' sound. This is the most widely accepted pronunciation in the English language, including in the UK and the US. Therefore, to avoid any confusion or miscommunication, it is best to pronounce curry as 'kuh-ree.'


Curry is a world-renowned dish enjoyed by many, and it's essential to know the proper way to pronounce it, especially when communicating in English. While the pronunciation of curry may vary depending on the region or country, when it comes to the English language, the proper way to pronounce it is 'kuh-ree' with a hard 'k' sound. Knowing the proper pronunciation will help to make communication more effective, avoid misunderstandings, and show respect for cultural diversity.






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