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南水北调倒虹吸原理示意图(NanShuiBeiDiao and the Amazing Principle of Reverse Osmosis)

jk 2023-08-24 10:31:23 964

摘要:NanShuiBeiDiao and the Amazing Principle of Reverse Osmosis Introduction Reverse osmosis is a natural process that occurs when two fluids, of different concentr

NanShuiBeiDiao and the Amazing Principle of Reverse Osmosis


Reverse osmosis is a natural process that occurs when two fluids, of different concentrations, are separated by a semi-permeable membrane. One fluid has a higher concentration of solutes (dissolved particles) than the other, and the solutes pass from the more concentrated to the less concentrated solution. In this article, we will explore the reverse osmosis principle and how it is used in the NanShuiBeiDiao project.

The Reverse Osmosis Principle

The reverse osmosis principle works in the opposite way of osmosis. Instead of solutes passing from a more concentrated solution to a less concentrated one, they are forced in the opposite direction. This is achieved by applying pressure to the concentrated solution, which forces the solutes through a semi-permeable membrane and into the less concentrated solution. The membrane acts as a filter, allowing only the solvent molecule (typically water) to pass.

The NanShuiBeiDiao Project

The NanShuiBeiDiao project is a massive water diversion project that aims to transfer water from the south of China to the water-scarce north. The project involves the construction of an extensive network of canals and pipelines, spanning over 1,300 km. One of the key components of the project is the use of reverse osmosis to treat the water being transferred.

The Reverse Osmosis Process in NanShuiBeiDiao

The water used in the NanShuiBeiDiao project is first pumped from the source to the treatment plant. At the plant, the water is treated with chemicals that remove impurities and solids. The treated water is then fed into a series of reverse osmosis membranes. The membranes are designed to allow water molecules to pass while trapping impurities, undissolved solids, and dissolved solids. The concentrated water that is left behind is then treated further to remove any remaining impurities before being discharged.


Reverse osmosis is a powerful and natural process that has a wide range of applications. The NanShuiBeiDiao project is an excellent example of how the reverse osmosis principle can be used to address a critical need. By using this technology, it is possible to transfer large quantities of water from one region to another while ensuring that the water is safe for consumption.







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南水北调倒虹吸原理示意图(NanShuiBeiDiao and the Amazing Principle of Reverse Osmosis)相关常识

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