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英雄联盟怎么投降(How to Surrender in League of Legends)

jk 2023-08-04 12:56:28 297

摘要:How to Surrender in League of Legends Introduction League of Legends (LoL) is a highly competitive multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed by Riot

How to Surrender in League of Legends


League of Legends (LoL) is a highly competitive multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed by Riot Games. In this game, teams of players compete against each other with the goal of destroying the enemy's Nexus, the central structure in their base. However, there are times when a team finds themselves in a hopeless situation, and surrendering may be the best option. In this article, we will discuss how to surrender in League of Legends and the implications it can have on the game.

Understanding Surrender Votes

League of Legends provides a mechanism for teams to surrender in case they are no longer able to turn the game in their favor. This mechanism is known as Surrender Votes. A Surrender Vote can be initiated by any player on a team once a certain amount of time has passed since the game started. The specific timing for initiating a Surrender Vote varies depending on the game mode:

  • - Normal Matches: Surrender Votes can be initiated starting from 15 minutes into the game.
  • - Ranked Matches: Surrender Votes can be initiated starting from 15 minutes into the game.
  • - Custom Matches: Surrender Votes can be initiated starting from 10 minutes into the game.
  • - ARAM Matches: Surrender Votes can be initiated starting from 8 minutes into the game.

Once a player initiates a Surrender Vote, all members of the team are notified and have the opportunity to vote. If at least 70% of the team votes 'yes,' the surrender is successful, and the game ends immediately.

Weighing the Pros and Cons

Before initiating a Surrender Vote, it is essential to weigh the pros and cons of surrendering. Surrendering should not be taken lightly, as it may have several implications:

  • - Loss of LP: If you are playing a ranked match, surrendering will result in a loss of League Points (LP). This can negatively impact your progress in the ranked ladder.
  • - Negative Mentality: Surrendering too frequently may lead to a negative mentality within the team. It is crucial to maintain morale and keep trying to turn the game in your favor.
  • - Wasted Effort: Surrendering may result in wasted effort if there is still a chance to win the game. Comebacks can happen, even in seemingly dire situations.

However, there are also valid reasons for surrendering:

  • - Unwinnable Situations: If your team is significantly behind in gold, experience, and objectives, it may be virtually impossible to turn the game around. It is better to surrender and move on to the next game.
  • - Toxic Environment: If the game has become toxic and teammates are constantly arguing or flaming each other, surrendering can be a way to avoid further frustration and maintain a positive gaming experience.

Initiating a Surrender Vote

To initiate a Surrender Vote, follow these steps:

  1. - Press the 'Esc' key on your keyboard to open the options menu.
  2. - Click on the 'Surrender' button located at the bottom right corner of the screen.
  3. - A pop-up window will appear, displaying the surrender vote options and the voting progress.
  4. - Click on the option that corresponds to your decision (usually 'yes' or 'no').
  5. - The vote will be registered, and the outcome will be displayed once all teammates have cast their votes.

Remember that surrendering requires a majority vote (at least 70%) to be successful. If the surrender is successful, the game will end immediately, and the losing team will be taken back to the post-game lobby.


Surrendering in League of Legends is a strategic decision that should be carefully considered. While it may lead to the loss of LP and a negative impact on morale, surrendering can also be a way to escape unwinnable situations or toxic environments. It is key to maintain a balance between perseverance and knowing when it is time to surrender. By understanding how Surrender Votes work and the implications they can have, players can make informed decisions to enhance their gaming experience in League of Legends.







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