摘要:二十四桥明月夜玉人何处教吹笛的译文赏析 背景介绍:“二十四桥明月夜”是唐代诗人张继创作的一首《长恨歌》中的诗句。这句话描绘了在下半夜,月光照射在水面上显得十分明亮,从
Twenty-four bridges span the waters clear, bright moon above shines pure and sheer. Where is the lady with the jade flute to be found? Playing enticing tunes in blissful surround.
This translation, by Hong Zeng, is very close to the original text. It captures the beauty of the language and the image it portrays while also conveying the deeper meaning of the poem. The first two lines describe the beauty of the night, while the last two lines convey the themes of love, music, and longing for peace and prosperity.
In conclusion, the sentence \"Twenty-four bridges in the moonlit night, where to find the lady teaching the flute\" reveals the poet's love and concern for his country, his longing for peace and prosperity, as well as his love for music and art. Through its beautiful language and deep emotional meaning, this sentence has become a classic in Chinese literature, inspiring countless poets and writers generation after generation.